ramai yang memberi pandangan,
kawan tu time senang je.
time gelak gelak, suka suka.
tp kalau sahabat,
time senang dah susah dia akan bersama.
what the..!
come on guys.
kita ni hero sgt ke nak berada dlm semua keadaan?
kita ni terbatas.
sebelum kita describe si 3 tu kawan,
si 8 tu sahabat.
silap silap sahabat sejati.
look at ourselves first.
can we do everything for someone?
even someone that we really love and care (family,wife,husband,kids) ?
if you want to argue with me,
then if you are husband, please do everything that your wife doing + your own job.
for sure we cant.
we still need someone else to help.
this is same like kawan or sahabat.
how can we distinguish he is kawan. and the other we call it sahabat.
just because he is not very helping.
or else yesterday he cannot help you in certain case.
ok, look at our selves again.
for an example
can you repair laptop?
if cant, and what happen if your wife/husband ask for it?
masih nak distinguish kawan /sahabat?
we are coming with different talents, hopes, etc.
dont simply categorize our friends.
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